Eclectic Curiosity

Haiku Building

Posted on March 29th, 2008, by Steve Hardy in Archives, Miscellany. No Comments

Given that my first blurb appears on the cover, I would be remiss not to mention the latest book by my favourite cultural canary, Susan August. Following in the divine footsteps of Haiku Applecart, her first book, Haiku Building is another wonderful collection of charming 5-7-5 poetry. Each one hones in on one of life’s little details and deftly draws it out in just a dozen or so words.

traced by a finger
on the dusty truck window
“I like them dirty”

bath in the gutter
preparing for his hot date
an urban pigeon

melted spatula
I pause to reconsider
the joy of cooking

passing commute time
a favorite song’s bass line
thumping in my chest

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