Eclectic Curiosity


Posted on December 2nd, 2008, by Steve Hardy in Archives, Miscellany. No Comments

The Reuters quote used to promote the documentary film I.O.U.S.A. is pretty much spot on. It is: “To the U.S. economy what ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ was to the environment.”

In what has to be the best timed release of any movie this year, I.O.U.S.A. explains and examines the enormous and rapidly mounting U.S. national debt. It shows just how serious the consequences of it are for current and future generations of Americans, not to mention its influence in shifting geopolitical power over the long term. The film’s makers focus the story on the so-called four deficits: budget, savings, trade, and leadership. They interview a number of accountants and economists to make their non-partisan point, defying the “boring” stereotype and making charts and graphs look better than ever before.

This is a very good, timely, thought-provoking movie.

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