Eclectic Curiosity


Welcome Aboard

Posted on March 21st, by Steve Hardy in Archives, Miscellany, Uncategorized. No Comments

“You will not get that on United Airlines. I guarantee it.”… more

Web Tech Give and Take

Posted on February 22nd, by Steve Hardy in Archives, Uncategorized. No Comments

A couple different interesting examples of how web technology is shaping our culture:
–In England, an online community of tens of thousands of football (soccer) fans now own a majority controlling stake in real-life club Ebbsfleet. Link.
–Big companies like Loblaw, Intel, and US Cellular are instituting email- and Blackberry-free days in an effort to reduce distractions and increase time for creativity and strategy. Link.… more

The Non-Expert

Posted on February 14th, by Steve Hardy in Archives, Uncategorized. No Comments

Experts answer what they know. The Non-Expert answers anything.

So states the tag for a fun, all-over-the-place weekly column written by members of the The Morning News.… more

Round Heads

Posted on February 13th, by Steve Hardy in Archives, Uncategorized. No Comments

Our heads are round so that thoughts can change direction.Francis Picabia, painter and poet (1879-1953)… more

An Anthropological Theory of Generalism

Posted on February 2nd, by Steve Hardy in Archives, Uncategorized. No Comments

I stumbled upon this pseudo-academic website describing the virtues of Generalism, but in a biological and anthropological sense. Its summary reads:

The theory of Generalism states that whereas most species are specialists (they live in one habitat and eat one type of food), some are generalists (they can live in different habitats and eat different foods). Apes are generalists, but humans have evolved to become extreme generalists.

The theory of Generalism can explain so many of the differences between us and our nearest relatives. It explains our bigger brains and longer lives. It also explains why we have more sensitive and dextrous fingers, and are better tool-users.… more

Remixing Art Masterpieces

Posted on February 1st, by Steve Hardy in Archives, Uncategorized. No Comments

Last week, PaultheWineGuy posted a great set of very clever and creative art-web mash-ups at his flickr pool under the title “Understanding art for geeks”. He’s since pulled them down but fortunately they live on elsewhere, such as here, here, here, here, here, and here. Funny stuff.

(Thanks Grant)… more

Frenemies and Swing States

Posted on January 31st, by Steve Hardy in Archives, Uncategorized. No Comments

My dear American friends, your political process confounds me. Fascinating and entertaining, sure, but I mean it’s completely, utterly, ridiculously baffling and, to this outside observer at least, not sensible or constructive in the least. Seemingly random caucusing (which is?), primaries in some states before others, campaigning in some states but not others, delegates and superdelegates, the hundreds upon hundreds of millions of dollars spent, and of course campaigning measured in years rather than weeks. Really, how on earth is any mere mortal supposed to emerge from such a marathon of a race and then still have the energy to actually be president for four years?… more

The Whole Person

Posted on January 28th, by Steve Hardy in Archives, Uncategorized. No Comments

“When seeking out positions as important as design leadership (in an age where design is more and more being recognized as central to any company’s core strategy and success), the smartest companies will look at the whole person, experience, thinking skills, experience (including industry contacts affiliations), and past wins and achievements.” A line from a 2005 essay by Jim Leftwich called Interaction Design, Generalism, & Missing Pieces.… more

Avenue Q

Posted on January 26th, by Steve Hardy in Archives, Uncategorized. No Comments

On the good recommendation of a couple friends (you know who you are), I checked out the heralded Tony-winning Broadway show Avenue Q while in NYC last week on business. What a show! And I’m not an especially big fan of musicals. But really, how can you not like a smart, risqué, and funny story about oddball muppets searching for purpose, love, and decent rent (opening theme song: “It Sucks to Be Me”, followed soon after by “Everyone’s A Little Bit Racist”)? Basically, Sesame Street for grown-ups.

AVENUE Q is the story of Princeton, a bright-eyed college grad who comes to New York City with big dreams and a tiny bank account.more

Music for Everyone

Posted on January 25th, by Steve Hardy in Archives, Uncategorized. No Comments

This clever ad poster for the Dortmund Music Hall in Germany shows just how music can be for everyone.

(via adland)… more

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